Health and Safety
Our approach to Health and Safety is based on the idea of personal commitment and individual empowerment. We believe everyone has a right to return home safely every day and a duty to take care of themselves and those around them.
Cultural change through Communication
We believe communication is most important. For this reason, we have introduced 'one-to-one safety commitment interviews' for all new starters, including subcontractors. One of the key aims of this exercise is to encourage culture of care and mutual respect by strengthening relationships between management and the workforce.
Raising Awareness
We all have a part in keeping our workplaces safe. One of the most effective ways we can do this by being aware of the risks around us and taking action to address these. That's why we actively encourage all our people to regularly assess their working environments and report any identified risks - as they rise.
S R has created it's own Safety Manual which helps to train the employee, keep employee safe and provide zero risk working environment. In addition, Safety Audit and Safety Review are also conducted from time to time to rate our company's total safety and health program, identify our strengths and weaknesses, show where improvements are needed and create a process and procedure by which health & safety issues and work conditions can be corrected.